Whenever you find yourself under investigation of any kind, It is important to be careful of your actions and words as it can and will be held against you in the future. If it proceeds and you need to be represented, it is the best time to hire a lawyer that can paint you in a positive light to help you fight your case. When you are in that situation, it is very common to respond and explain yourself to clear your case to the Officers, but you do not realize that you have incriminated yourself. It is important to avoid immediately responding and doing so in the wrong way without a Lawyer present. The problem will not easily be resolved without any Professional help, and consulting with an experienced lawyer is your only choice.
If you think you are facing PPP charges, we can take the following steps to help:
If you are arrested for PPP loan fraud, here are the effective defense routes that a defendant can strongly include:
In order to charge you with PPP fraud, the government will have to prove that you intentionally misrepresented a fact on a PPP loan application to receive more money. It is not every day that a business owner needs to file these forms, and it is natural that there could be some confusion.
If you signed up for a PPP loan application, you would have been required to certify that the funds would be used for “business-related” purposes under PPP loan requirements. This means that the government is looking to prosecute those who use PPP loans for extraneous purposes.
Another factor that the federal government will be required to prove is that you are the correct person they are pursuing for committing this crime. A PPP application requires the business owner to file specific applications, and this requires the government to prove that you were the person who submitted the application and that you received the funding requested. If we can make a case that there is not substantial evidence for this, you will appear more favourable in the eyes of the court.
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